Allegedly, George Lucas once pitched that the main character of Star Wars: Force Unleashed should be called Darth Icky or Darth Insanius. He never got his wish, but that very pitch has completely colored the way I look at that pair of games.
Whether I ruined them or not, they’re now available by way of Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass program alongside of two other Star Wars joints — KOTOR and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. While the Unleashed duo have plenty of issues you won’t hear me complaining about the other half of the pass equation, as KOTOR remains one of BioWare’s best modern projects and LEGO Star Wars is a fun little way to spend an afternoon with your kids.
As a reminder Xbox Game Pass just hit its one year anniversary, and it’s been a great one so far.
Star Wars [Xbox Wire]
Source: Destructoid Xbox Game Pass adds four Star Wars titles, including KOTOR