Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, a collection of various stories and vignettes, is adding fifteen new stories to its anthology in a free update.

The title tasks players with wandering around Depression-era America as a skeleton with a bindle and acquiring the stories of various people you meet and places you go. Along the way, the player meets strangers and tells them these stories to earn their trust and befriend them by correctly matching their desires to the type of story. The real meat of the game is reading and experiencing the various vignettes, though, which makes the new additions exciting.

Named the Tall Tales update, the included new stories are written by writers like Laura Michet, Bruno Dias, Kevin Snow, Cassadra Khaw, and more. In the launch game, vignettes run the gamut from heartwarming to gnawingly disturbing, so it’s likely the new stories follow suit.

You can read our review of Where the Water Tastes Like Wine here.


Our Take
I liked the stories in the launch game, so I’m eager to check out the additions in the update.

Source: Game Informer Narrative Adventure Where The Water Tastes Like Wine Adds Fifteen New Stories