Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios is branching off to create its own self-published game, Generation Zero, an open-world shooter that has up to four players working together to fight killer robots in an “explosive game of cat and mouse.” Also, it’s set in 1980s Sweden. Hell yeah!

This reveal trailer doesn’t do a whole lot for me, but I adore the setting and I think the game sounds much more interesting than the footage implies. For instance: “All enemies are persistently simulated in the world, and roam the landscape with intent and purpose. When you manage to destroy a specific enemy component, be it armor, weapons or sensory equipment, the damage is permanent. Enemies will bear those scars until you face them again, whether that is minutes, hours or weeks later.”

Avalanche knows how to create sandboxes full of emergent gameplay possibilities (look no further than Just Cause), so this could turn out cool. Generation Zero is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One in 2019.

Generation Zero is an '80s robot-fighting sandbox from the makers of Just Cause screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Generation Zero is an ’80s robot-fighting sandbox from the makers of Just Cause