[Update: Microsoft has confirmed a February 2019 launch for Crackdown 3 in a statement issued to Windows Central.]

Just last week, Amazon Spain was cancelling pre-orders for Crackdown 3 and leading many fans to believe the game had been delayed. While Microsoft didn’t directly address the situation, it turns out those fears may have been rightfully founded. According to a report from Kotaku’s Jason Schreier, Crackdown 3 has been pushed back to 2019.

The claim comes from two anonymous sources within the company, choosing to conceal their identity to keep their jobs. The delay stems from Microsoft hoping that the extra development time will make for a much better final product, which is entirely plausible after the poor launch of State of Decay 2. As Schreier also theorizes, there is the case of Red Dead Redemption 2 releasing this fall, which will basically bury any other game around it.

Again, this isn’t a 100% official claim and could very easily change at E3, but it does make sense. We haven’t heard a lick of news about the title since last year and the recent Amazon snafu could be a potential mix-up due to the release date shifting. Microsoft hasn’t responded to Kotaku’s requests for a comment, but we’re bound to find out the full story next Monday at Microsoft’s E3 conference.

Sources: Microsoft Delays Crackdown 3 To 2019 [Kotaku]

(Update) Crackdown 3 has reportedly been delayed to 2019 screenshot

Source: Destructoid (Update) Crackdown 3 has reportedly been delayed to 2019