E3 is upon us, and the show is always full of surprises. For those who enjoy following the big developments from home, we’ve compiled the potential announcements and mishaps of E3 onto a single Bingo card, because Bingo is the ultimate game.

For our desktop users (sorry, mobile folks), an interactive version of the card is also available:
The interactive card lets you check off boxes as they happen. You can also shuffle the card to see more possibilities and get a random layout.
So tune in during our coverage of the various publisher events throughout E3 week to make sure you don’t miss out on the satisfaction of winning this game of chance.
You can also reflect on the passage of time by reviewing E3 Bingos of bygone years, like 2017, 2016, and even the rare 2015.
Source: Game Informer E3 Bingo: 2018 Edition