Booster Gold has finally found a spotlight in the Rebirth era, care of the most recent arc of Batman, but so far, his long-awaited return has been anything but celebratory. The once famously funny Booster’s reappearance has been down right dark.

Warning: beware spoilers for Batman #45 through #48!

The recent three-part story arc “The Gift” (Batman #45 through #48) had Booster attempting to alter the current timeline as a “wedding present” for Bruce Wayne: a life in which his parents were never killed to prove the “value” of the pain that sparked his crusade as the Dark Knight. If that sounds like a terrible idea, that’s because it was. (Editor’s Note: Remember Flashpoint? Booster sure didn’t.) In doing so, Booster effectively created a splintered timeline fans have dubbed the “Batpoint” in which all of Gotham became a nightmarish hellscape without Bruce as Batman.

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Source: How Batman's 'Batpoint' Story Highlights the Tragedy of Booster Gold