Players who pre-ordered upcoming PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 release Hitman 2 now have access to Hitman Sniper Assassin, the add-on solo and co-op mode that sees agent working their usual deathly magic in a series of quests. The first mission is titled The Last Yardbird, and it contains a number of special challenges for players who like to mix a little bit of flair in with their assassinations. Keep reading as we break down each of the available challenges as well as some of the easiest methods of completing them.
Hitman Sniper Assassin – The Last Yardbird Challenges
A Head Off the Curve
Objective: Eliminate all targets with headshots.
This one is pretty self explanatory — the player or players simply need to eliminate the three main targets with headshots. Note that this won’t be possible in conjunction with other challenges like Got a Light.
An Elabyrinth Plot
Objective: Eliminate Dorian Lang and Doris Lee with the statue in the maze.
This challenge might seem confusing because Lang and Lee never approach the maze during the main course of events. Instead, the player will have to shoot the mechanism at the base of the flagpole within the maze while both targets are close enough to see. After they approach the meeting point, which occurs around the 7:40 mark, shoot the statue to take them both out simultaneously.
A Waltz With Death
Objective: Eliminate seven targets during the bridal waltz.
Players can approach this challenge however they like, using stealthy shots or by spraying lead all over — all they have to do is wait for the bride and groom to start their dance, which occurs with about 4:50 left on the clock.
Objective: Eliminate all the bodyguards.
This one shouldn’t be too hard so long as players don’t trigger an evacuation. There are fifteen total guards, and seven can be removed quickly within the first minute of the mission — players can shoot the guard on the roof, the two guards walking the upper story of the mansion, the guard standing near the bushes by the helipad, the two guards standing by the pool near the entrance to the hedge maze, and the one guard standing by the staircase near the corner of the mansion. One guard will follow Gauillame Maison, one will get out of the car with Dorian Lang, and one will wait for Lee to arrive in the helicopter. The other five can be found either within the hedge maze, by the concert venue, on the second story of the mansion, or patrolling the wedding grounds.
Boom Boom
Objective: Eliminate five targets in explosions within thirty seconds.
This challenge is very tricky, as none of the targets appear to group together near any of the exploding heaters. One good way to get a group of four together is to shoot the flagpole to raise the flag; around the nine minute mark, two of the main targets and two bodyguards will cross a heater to the left of the main entrance. Before this happens, lure nearby guards to any nearby heaters. Once the main targets descend the staircase, shoot it to blow it up, then quickly shoot the heaters near the other distracted guards.
Clean Slate
Objective: Eliminate and hide all targets.
This one might take a little work. Targets count as being hidden if players can shoot them into bushes, water, or over any ledges. Watch the guard patterns, then take the shot when appropriate to completely remove them from sight.
Got a Light?
Objective: Eliminate the three main targets in the same explosion.
This is probably the most difficult challenge in this mission We still haven’t found a condition where all three main targets are near an exploding object, but keep checking back as we search for something that will bring the three together simultaneously.
Heavy Burden
Objective: Eliminate the three main targets with the same suspended object.
This one is easy. With 4:12 remaining on the clock, all three main targets will be on the top floor of the mansion standing under the elaborate chandelier. Shoot the chain to have the chandelier fall and crush all three simultaneously.
Killer Shot
Objective: Eliminate Dorian Lang and Guillame Maison with the loudspeaker outside the art gallery.
The art gallery is the side of the mansion where Maison is hanging out at the start of the mission. Wait until both Maison and Lang are outside the gallery, which occurs with about XX left on the click, then shoot the speaker to drop it on top of the both of them.
No Loose Ends
Objective: Eliminate all bodyguards after starting the evacuation.
This is another straightforward challenge. Players will have to start an evacuation through whatever preferred means, then take out all of the bodyguards while the targets are fleeing.
Sleeping with the Fishes
Objective: Eliminate and hide five targets in water.
This one isn’t hard, players just need to lead guards to somewhere around water, then shoot them so that their body falls into the water. Three are available right at the start of the game; two are talking together near a heater with one not too far from the exploding barrel by the mansion.
Smokestack Lightnin’
Objective: Eliminate three targets by electrocution within 30 seconds.
Like with Got a Light, this one will be tricky. Players will have to lure several targets near water sources like fountains, shoot then fountains, then shoot something electronic nearby to shock and kill three separate targets. This can be done near the beginning of the mission: distract the two guards near the helipad by shooting around them, then shoot the two sprinklers near the main walkway just before both Lee and two guards are adjacent. After that, pop both of the light fixtures to complete the challenge.
Touch and Go
Objective: Eliminate the three main targets while they are escaping.
This one is self-explanatory. Take any shot that will cause everyone to panic and flee, then take out the main targets while everyone is evacuating.
Source: Shacknews The Last Yardbird Challenges – Hitman Sniper Assassin