Stop reading this. Hit play and listen to us talk. This is a podcast, after all. Still here? If you insist. We’re excited for E3 2018. It’s a few days away and we’re feeling like children again. The excitement is reaching its annual climax and that warm, Christmas-y feeling is a mere day or two away from wholly washing over us.

A lot has happened in the week leading up to the big show, so stay tuned for a fun episode where we discuss IO Interactive’s upcoming and non-episodic Hitman 2, King James on the cover of the 20th installment of NBA 2K, a new partnership between Bungie and NetEase and much, much more. Enjoy the show!

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On Today’s Show
Joe Stasio
Chris Buffa
John Benyamine
Andrew Zucosky

Source: Shacknews The Cartridge Family 040 – PrE3 Extravaganza 2018
