Platinum Games is fairly busy these days. Along with developing Bayonetta 3 for Nintendo, the action game developer is now also working with Square Enix on a new title called Babylon’s Fall.

The first teaser trailer doesn’t show any gameplay, but does offer a glimpse of what we can expect narratively. The game is set in a more traditional fantasy setting than we’re used to from Platinum, and the trailer runs through an abridged history of the Helos Empire and its world, starting at CE 5000 and working its way through 500 years’ worth of historically significant events.

The last few moments of the trailer do offer a few hints at gameplay might be like, though. After being downed by an enemy knight, our main character (who is also a knight), summons a number of magical strings, which tear off his foe’s arm. Additionally, the last shot of the trailer shows four separate heroes, which could hint at co-op, or could simply indicate there will be four playable classes.

Babylon’s Fall is currently slated to release on PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam in 2019.


Source: Game Informer Babylon's Fall Is Platinum Games' Next Title