After officially unveiling the sequel at its E3 2017 press conference, Ubisoft revealed more of Beyond Good and Evil 2, revealing that the first game’s hero, Jade, will return, seemingly as a villain.

Featured in the Ubisoft E3 2018 press conference, a new trailer showed off some new and returning characters from the core crew, before lurching into a spacefaring action scene.

The first game’s pig mentor, Pey’j will be the ship’s cook, and Jade appears at the end of the trailer, seemingly to attack the ship.

Gameplay footage followed, showing off pre-alpha footage of the city of Ganesha, including vehicle footage, combat, and a hint of space traversal. Behind-closed-doors demos at E3 will show off this footage in more detail, so stay tuned to IGN to hear more on that later this week.

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Source: Beyond Good and Evil 2 Will Feature Original Hero Jade