In yet another reveal for Kingdom Hearts 3, a new look during the PlayStation E3 2018 conference confirmed a Pirates of the Caribbean world.

Pirates of the Caribbean first featured in the franchise in Kingdom Hearts 2. The new trailer featured ship-to-ship combat, likely a world specific gameplay mechanic much in the same way the Toy Story Giga robots will be.

Ahead of E3 2018, Square Enix finally confirmed Kingdom Hearts 3’s release date, with a release planned for January 29, 2019. Following the release date announcement, Square Enix confirmed Kingdom Hearts 3 will feature a Frozen world. IGN also debuted exclusive Kingdom Hearts 3 direct feed gameplay, featuring the Toy Story world, Toy Box, as well as the Rock Titan fight from the Hercules world.

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Source: E3 2018: Kingdom Hearts 3 Pirates of the Caribbean World Announced