Ubisoft formally announced Assassin’s Creed Odyssey today during its E3 press conference. A few weeks ago, Leo and I went to Quebec City and played a five-hour demo. We played as different characters, took different approaches to combat, and made different choices during our hands-on time. Take a look at our latest episode of New Gameplay Today to see how those choices affected what we saw.

As you can see in the video above, Leo played as Alexios (A-Leo-xios?), while I opted for Kassandra (Korksandra?). He played as a nice guy, while I did my best to remain a ruthless mercenary. He successfully romanced one of the NPCs, while I pushed my luck and completely failed. Even though our experiences – and endings – were fairly different, we ended up having a lot of fun in ancient Greece. Certain scenes are missing dialogue audio, and we apologize for that.

Assassin’s Creed Origins is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 5.

Source: Game Informer New Gameplay Today – Assassin’s Creed Odyssey