An intriguing under-the-radar reveal from yesterday’s Xbox press conference was The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. It’s a tale of childhood wonder told through the perspective of a young kid as he uses his imagination to deal with grief.

Captain Spirit is being developed by Dontnod Entertainment, and its art direction is directly reminiscent of Life is Strange. That’s no coincidence. During this morning’s Square Enix pre-recorded event, Dontnod confirmed these are “the first steps into the world of Life is Strange 2.”

In the past, Dontnod has always said it imagines a Life is Strange sequel set in the same world but not dealing directly with the characters from the original. With Captain Spirit, we’ll get our first taste of what Dontnod meant with that statement. Maybe we’ll be introduced to the Life is Strange protagonist(s).

We won’t have to wait long to find out. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit releases on June 26, and it’s a free download that won’t cost you a dime.

The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is the first steps into Life is Strange 2 screenshot

Source: Destructoid The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is the first steps into Life is Strange 2