Staying true to Ubisoft’s previous Collector’s Edition efforts for its mainline titles, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is available in an alarmingly large array of special editions and big-box versions, all of which are up for pre-order right flipping now. They are available at the Ubisoft store in the UK and US, though some are available from other retailers as well.

Right, I’ll now attempt to detail the variety of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey editions and where you can get yours if you fancy it. Buckle up.

Firstly, there’s the standard edition, which will unsurprisingly be available everywhere video games are sold and presumably some places where video games aren’t normally sold. This one is up for grabs at Amazon at the moment. Pre-orders will get you the extra mission ‘The Blind King’.

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Source: Eurogamer Assassin's Creed Odyssey has upwards of four special editions