Nintendo isn’t messing around. Instead of tantalizing us with stuff that’s still years away, Nintendo’s E3 Direct will allegedly only focusing on games that release during this calendar year. 

The star of the show will most certainly be Super Smash Bros. for Switch. We still don’t really know much about this game. Is it entirely new? Is it an updated version of the Wii U game? What does the gameplay look like? When’s the release date? These are all things that will probably be cleared up during the Direct.

After that, it’s anyone’s guess. A Switch port of Fortnite will likely get announced (and maybe even with an “And it’s available right now!” accent). Then…Fire Emblem? Yoshi? Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker? Nintendo 64 Classic? Remember: It’s only stuff that releases this year.

Regardless, Nintendo has earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to E3 showings. A few years ago, Zelda: Breath of the Wild was literally the only game with any presence at E3, and the whole thing somehow turned out absolutely wonderfully. Trust Nintendo’s process.

(Also, there’s no more reason to link the press conference schedule because the press conferences are done. Still, this post felt like it needed an obligatory parenthetical clincher so it’d fit in with its brethren.)

Come watch Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct with us!   9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM BST screenshot

Source: Destructoid Come watch Nintendo’s E3 2018 Direct with us! 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM BST