With the ever-increasing power available to modern consoles comes a greater depth of possibilities, and sports titles like NBA Live are among the most keen of taking advantage of such potential. Shacknews was able to track down Michael Mahar, producer on NBA Live 19, to chat about some of the latest changes Live 19 is bringing to the NBA Live formula and how the series is keeping up with demand from modern gamers.

Touched on were topics like the new real player motion system as well as the number of different gameplay improvements centered around game engine and animations. Much of the conversation was spent discussing how NBA Live 19 will allow players to create their own athletes and all of the different tools involved in that process, plus how the game’s story will be crafted around the highs and lows of the players’ own career.

Mahar also teased about more information to come based around the game’s different announcers and the responses they’ll have to the players’ custom-created characters.

Ballers are expected to be able to get their hands on NBA Live 19 when it releases for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on September 7, 2018.

Source: Shacknews E3 2018: EA Sports Talks NBA Live 19 Custom Characters and Enhancements
