Starlink: Battle for Atlas takes place in a massive sci-fi universe which spans between seven explorable planets that players can seamlessly travel to and from at their will. Each world carries its own ecosystem and wildlife with multiple factions who are in constant battle for planetary control. The creative minds spearheading development for Starlink are some of the same artists and designers whose previous works include the Far Cry and Assassin’s Creed franchises, yet it’s designed entirely in mind for kids.

Unlike many games designed for younger audiences, Starlink doesn’t water down the fun or the difficulty. In fact, after getting some hands-on time with Starlink at Ubisoft’s behind closed doors event during E3 2018, I can safely say that it feels a lot less like “my first space shooter” and a lot more like No Man’s Sky.

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Source: E3 2018: Starlink Battle for Atlas – Hands-On Impressions