Fortnite can’t be stopped. Epic Games announced, today, that the massively popular battle royale game is now boasting a player count that rivals some small nations. Around 125 million accounts have been registered with Fortnite, meaning a lot of man-hours are being spent trying to grab that victory royale. With the game now being on Switch, I can only imagine how much higher the player count is going to climb.

Along with the news of this massive player pool, Epic Games has unveiled new details on the upcoming 2018-2019 competitive season. The Fortnite World Cup qualifiers will begin in the Fall that will culminate in a battle of the best in late 2019. Epic will be providing $100 million to various prize pools to fund tournaments and community events for the game.

As stressed on the official blog, “Epic will not be selling teams or franchises, and won’t allow third-party leagues to do so either.” Qualifying for the Fortnite World Cup will be based solely on player skill. The World Cups will be open to people from any nation, so literally, anyone can win. Seeing as how Fortnite will probably be coming to a smart fridge soon, I definitely believe that.

Fortnite's player count rises to 125 million screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Fortnite’s player count rises to 125 million