Marvelous Games has unveiled Daemon x Machina, an over-the-top mech fighter coming to Switch in 2019.

Looking like a cross between Metal Gear Rising and No More Heroes, Daemon x Machina’s announcement trailer wastes no time in piling on the outlandish action set-pieces. There are ground battles, air battles, little mechs, big mechs, and even bigger mechs with swords – not to mention an endless onslaught of explosions, all set to a furious metal soundtrack. It’s certainly an attention grabber.

“Take your Arsenal, a fully customizable powered suit, out for an array of missions to surmount the enemy at all costs,” offers Nintendo by way of explanation, “Choose and equip your Arsenal with a multitude of weapons, obtain more from downed enemy Arsenals, and swap them on the fly to suit your strategy in the face of ever-changing threats.”

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Source: Eurogamer Marvelous is bringing outlandish mech fighter Daemon x Machina to Switch