Our E3 Bulletins run every day this week. Here is Monday’s.

E3 Tuesday is the point at which the dust starts to settle and we can start discerning the key trends, which this year appear to be terrible queue management, not bothering to pretend that there aren’t new consoles round the corner and releasing games on February 22nd 2019, a date which has appeared on so many announcements as to suggest the development of a strange cult among retail marketers.

There were some great announcements on Monday but you simply can’t have E3 without ennui, and Square served up a generous quantity to start the second (fourth) day, with a deeply underwhelming presentation that confirmed two new games, neither of which it offered any details on, some trailers we’d already seen in the Microsoft conference and a game that has already been on sale in Japan for several months. Babylon’s Fall is notable for being developed by Platinum, which had an interesting-looking game cancelled by Microsoft, and The Quiet Man is notable for being developed by Human Head, which had an interesting-looking game cancelled by Bethesda, leading us to wonder if an agressively low-key E3 presentation was part of the contract to affirm things will be different this time.

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Source: Eurogamer The E3 Bulletin: Tuesday