DC Comics have revealed the next major comic book project from Batman writer Tom King. King will be reuniting with artist Clay Mann for Heroes in Crisis, a new seven-issue miniseries that explores the impact a life of violence has on DC’s most vulnerable heroes.
The word “Crisis” has important connotations in the DC Universe, but this story looks to be more in line with 2004’s Identity Crisis than cosmic-focused tales like Crisis on Infinite Earths and Final Crisis. Heroes in Crisis introduces a counseling center called Sanctuary, one created by Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman and geared towards helping their fellow heroes cope with the crushing psychological pressures of the job. The series will explore the role Sanctuary serves in the superhuman community and what happens when it fails. The series will also be set against the backdrop of a murder mystery, not unlike Identity Crisis before it.
Source: IGN.com Batman Writer Reveals 'Heroes in Crisis'