This year’s E3 presentation saw its fair share of snazzy highlights from games in ultra-popular series, but there was still some love to be found for smaller mobile titles. One of the mobile games kicking around the E3 2018 showroom floor was Might and Magic: Elemental Guardians, the free-to-play turn-based RPG from the team at Ubisoft. Shacknews had a chance to speak with Sergi Berjano, producer for Might and Magic: Elemental Guardians, to discuss everything from the game’s creature-based approach to where it fits in the Might and Magic universe.

Berjano mentions a lot of crucial details about Elemental Guardians, including how the game will feature all of the creatures from the Might and Magic universe as well as how the new story will run parallel with the events of Might and Magic 5. He also spent some time talking about the limits that players or parents can use to limit their gameplay time, plus the challenges the development team faced when trying to make a game that’s approachable for all audiences while still satisfying long-time series fans.

RPG fans can pick up Might and Magic: Elemental Guardians right now through the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.

Source: Shacknews E3 2018: Might and Magic: Elemental Guardians Developer Interview
