Although I’m a horde member at heart (my first World of Warcraft character was an Orc Warlock during the beta, and my first 1.0 and subsequent main until Burning Crusade was an Orc Shaman), I gravitated toward the Alliance at the behest of a friend and a server-first raid guild.
It was too good of an offer to pass up, and thus, my Draenei Shadow Priest was born. Although my spirit stayed with the horde I really grew attached to my little Draenei guy, and frequently visited the Exodar, the race’s capital city, just for fun.
For the past two years I’ve wanted Draenei representation in Heroes of the Storm, and now we have it with Yrel.
Source: Destructoid Heroes of the Storm’s Yrel is the least impactful hero in some time, but I have a soft spot for Draenei