E3 2018 is upon us and Shacknews will be live streaming from our booth (#5434) in West Hall. Here is a schedule for today’s live interview streams!
9:00 AM Just Cause 4
9:30 AM Shack Staff Chat
10:30 AM Razer
11:00 AM Hunt: Showdown
11:30 AM Tropico 6
12:00 PM Zone of Enders: The 2nd Runner
12:30 PM Outer Wilds
1:00 PM Donut County
1:30 PM The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
2:00 PM ID@Xbox
2:15 PM Unannounce AAA Ubisoft Game
2:30 PM Mario Rabbids
2:45 PM Division 2
3:00 PM Vacation Simulator
3:30 PM Unannounced Bandai Game
3:45 PM The Crew 2
4:00 PM Media Molecule – Dreams
4:15 PM Shack Staff Chat
5:00 PM Rainbow Six Siege Documentary
5:30 PM Daybreak
6:00 PM Greedfall
6:30 PM Mutant Year Zero
Don’t forget to stop by our booth if you are attending E3 2018. Attendees can vote for Chairpet of the Board at Shacknews as well as watch the first day of the Shacknews World Championship.
Source: Shacknews Shacknews E3 2018 Day 2 Twitch Live Stream Schedule