Our E3 bulletins run every day this week. Previous entries: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday

It’s the penultimate day of E3, which means that the assembled exhibitors have got through everything they wanted to talk about and are now being unwillingly coerced into things they don’t want to talk about. Chief among these is, as expected, Fortnite. The shadow of Epic’s late-blooming hit looms large over the show: a vast, flossing colossus bestriding the Ozymandian remains of PlayerUnknown.

The chief surprise is that we are talking less about half-baked attempts at taking its crown and more about Sony’s devastingly effective attempts to stop PS4 players using their accounts on Switch, which is being received as well as we predicted. Microsoft is of course being a model of support.

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Source: Eurogamer The E3 Bulletin – Thursday