Rare’s Sea of Thieves is a pirate-themed multiplayer action game that’s had the Shacknews crew wrapped up in its briny grip for some time, and we’re always on the lookout for additional content coming to the game.

Sea of Thieves Executive Producer Joe Neate stopped by the Shacknews E3 2018 booth to chat with Asif Khan, Sam Chandler, and Greg Burke about the upcoming Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores expansions, coming soon to the game in July (Cursed Sails) and September (Forsaken Shores).

Joe was kind enough to discuss the game’s scope, alterations coming to it in the future, and some of the Shacknews community’s favorite things about the game, which we’ve declared that if you don’t like it, then you just don’t like video games.

Check out the interview above!

Source: Shacknews E3 2018: Joe Neate Discusses the Pirate's Life with Sea of Thieves
