This is such a little thing, but I’m happy it exists. Nintendo’s mostly deflated My Nintendo program hasn’t had anything of real value shortly after its two big launch bonuses hit, but occasionally there’s something cool that pops in.

Collectors are probably annoyed that they can’t really snag a physical edition of the new Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion, but Nintendo has provided an alternate piece of box art through the aforementioned service. For 30 Platinum Points — and really, what else are you spending them on — you can get a full-sized rendition of the box art in the link below.

Use your original Splatoon 2 box or the shell of anything else you may have chucked into a voidless bin somewhere — like 1-2 Switch.

Printable – Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion box art cover [My Nintendo]

My Nintendo has a print-ready cover for the new digital-only Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion screenshot

Source: Destructoid My Nintendo has a print-ready cover for the new digital-only Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion