First, you build the park and hire staff, then you begin expeditions in search of fossils and mosquitoes trapped in amber. Then comes creating new life from something long dead millions of years ago, all while ignoring the opinions of someone who’s seen this all before and once described chaos theory. This is then followed up by crowds of people willing to pay top dollar to see these creatures in a habitat as close to natural as you decide for them.

Then, soon enough, comes the screaming and yelling as one of these creatures you created with much larger teeth escapes due to a less than obvious power disruption at an inopportune time. All while this is going down, the ranger jeep is stuck inside a restaurant. This is all fine, though, because soon after the alarms have ended and the creatures are back in their enclosures, people come pouring back in once more to do it all over again. It’s just a shame they care as little for their own lives as much as Jurassic World Evolution seems to care for its overall business and park simulation mechanics.

Review: Jurassic World Evolution screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Review: Jurassic World Evolution