Time will tell if The Division 2 adequately builds on where the last game left off or if it’ll come out of the gate a little less refined than fans would hope. The loot-collecting open-world game shifts the fight against bullet-resistant bad men from New York City to a particularly ravaged Washington D.C.

My hands-on demo was not as enlightening as I would’ve liked, but then, it’s hard to showcase a big game like this in just 15 minutes. We didn’t learn anything meaningful about the story — the playable slice of Division 2 was largely context-free — but I did fire a grenade launcher and let loose a bee-like hive of drones to do my bidding in cover-based skirmishes around the crash site of Air Force One.

The launcher was my particular character’s signature weapon; it took up its own slot, with its own special ammo dropped by enemies, and packed a satisfying punch. When you hit level 30 in The Division 2, you’ll choose a specialization (others include sharpshooter and survivalist). Ubisoft intends for this to be a “versatile character progression system” in the endgame with new skills, mods, and talents.

It all felt fine. Just fine. You can get a sense for the slice I played in this post-conference footage.

The Division 2 sounds good on paper, but I need more convincing screenshot

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Source: Destructoid The Division 2 sounds good on paper, but I need more convincing