At E3, I finally learned what Transference is (aside from being a VR project with Elijah Wood’s involvement). It’s a first-person adventure game with a psychological thriller tinge that has you inhabiting a family trapped in a corrupted digital simulation. Oh, and virtual reality is optional.

The short hands-on demo Ubisoft brought to the expo had the same uneasy mood depicted in this trailer. Transference is the latest game to try and blend in live-action footage, and while I’m not sure how that gamble will ultimately play out (think back on Quantum Break), its subdued use at E3 worked.

The off-kilter father, a scientist named Ramond Hayes, appeared on a screen to assure that things were going to be okay (they weren’t). The mix of real-world actor with digital setting could’ve been jarring, but it wasn’t. I’m curious how Ubisoft will incorporate and hopefully justify this stuff in the full story.

Transference is a promising puzzle-solving thriller set in a corrupted digital simulation screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Transference is a promising puzzle-solving thriller set in a corrupted digital simulation