Milestones MotoGP series is in a similar position Codemasters F1 series was in back in 2015, where the upgrade to a new engine resulted in a lot of content cutbacks. Upgrading to the more powerful Unreal Engine 4 has finally revitalised the series, resulting in some radical improvements. MotoGP 18 is undoubtedly the best-looking and best-handling game in the series yet.

Inevitably, however, there have been some concessions, from the removal of classic content to MotoGP 17s managerial career mode, and the on-rails AI needs an overhaul. Milestone arguably should have scrapped its in-house engine several years ago, but the Italian developer didnt have the resources it has now. Despite these cutbacks, MotoGP 18 is the most significant step forward the series has made since Milestone reclaimed the rights in 2013 and serves as a solid foundation for future sequels to build on.

Source: N4G PC MotoGP 18 review – TeamVVV