Bethesda’s Global Senior Vice President, Pete Hines, was available during E3 2018 to chat about Quake Live and Quake Champions. He also delved into the importance of sharing information at E3 2018 with everyone, including both journalists and the public. It was a rousing conversation that Quake fans (such as the fine folks at Shacknews) will undoubtedly enjoy.
One of the most important parts of the interview revolved around some of the issues with remaining in the game after a match has ended and waiting around for another one to start, as well as a host of other tweaks the game still needs. Recently, it did welcome the addition of bots, which was a massive boon for the title.
“We know the frustrations with all those clicks and the number of work you have to do. Onboarding was a big one, bots, feeling like you have a chance to learn the game before being thrown into the deep end. It’s sort of a neverending process of trying to make the game better,” Hines stated.
It’s clear Hines and the rest of Bethesda are hard at work on improving the game as much as possible on a viable schedule. It may take some time for Quake Champions to blossom into the game it was always meant to be, but we’ve got to continue supporting it as well if we want that to happen.
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Source: Shacknews Pete Hines Interview: It's A 'Never-Ending Process' Improving Quake Champions