Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is known for having a lot of guest crossovers, including singer Ariana Grande, so it only makes sense that Square Enix’s own properties also make the leap at some point.
Just Cause hero Rico Rodriguez along with Just Cause 3 compatriots Mario Frigo, Teo, and Annika Svennson are being added to the mobile game with 2D SNES-style sprites. Rico, Mario, and Annika are being added through the featured summon function, while Teo will be a raid summon.

Just Cause 3 x Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius will be having an anniversary event starting next week that, among other things, halves the stamina cost for playing the game.
Source: Game Informer Rico Rodriguez Joins Final Fantasy Brave Exvius In Just Cause 3-Themed Event