With the E3 hype train returned to the depot for the next nine months, weve been left with an awful lot to digest, but my main takeaway was the predictable and yet satisfying official reveal of Assassins Creed Odyssey. Despite my reservations about the franchises return to an annual release, I am none the less terrifically excited to see the series visit Ancient Greece.

Taking place in 431 BCE at the dawn of the Peloponnesian War Odysseys setting has the distinction of making my prediction of where and when Assassins Creed would be heading to next shockingly accurate. Not to blow my own trumpet, I had the location right and was only 34 years out on the when. Now that weve all watched the E3 trailer and gameplay footage, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the setting of the latest Assassins Creed game that seems to feature very little of the Assassin Order.

Source: N4G PC Playing with History: Investigating Assassin's Creed Odyssey