I’m calling it, I’m finally letting go of Alan Wake. There is more to Remedy than its hoodie-and-tweed-wearing writer hero, and more to the studio’s trademark brand of pulpy sci-fi than his gravelly, never-ending voice-overs. This is a good thing. Six years on from Wake’s last outing, with no sequel in sight and Remedy’s odd, live-action hybrid Quantum Break out of the way, Control feels like a clean break for Remedy.
Control is the studio’s first game for PlayStation 4 – its first for any Sony platform since Max Payne 2 on PS2 – something underlined by its unveiling at Sony’s E3 conference. (“It felt like a good way to announce it this way and make this statement,” Sam Lake, Remedy’s chief writer and public face of the studio tells me after.) Control is also a clean slate to tell a new story with a more modern approach – albeit one which will still feel familiar to the studio’s fans.
The demo shown to press at E3 2018 is a proper peek at what everybody saw during the game’s Sony conference trailer. You play as Jesse Faden (Courtney Hope, AKA Beth in Quantum Break), who like all Remedy protagonists is skilled in third-person shooting and physics manipulation while exploring dark, mysterious surroundings. These surroundings will host a big change for Control – a space to explore with a narrative path, but also side-missions and Metroidvania-inspired exploration. At one point in the demo we pass a series of prison cells, the unlucky occupant of one screaming for help. It’s a side-mission which we can return to later.
Source: Eurogamer Control is Remedy's most exciting project in years