Tom Chick – “But what you and I might not have in common, even though we both appreciate a good rough and tumble racing game, is an appreciation of Wreckfests fundamental identity as a game about battered cars built to get the job done and not to look pretty. It is the anti-Forza. It luxuriates in the dents on a day-to-day sedan instead of the aerodynamic swoop of something Italian and impossibly expensive. Its too serious for Electronic Arts, but too wild for Papyrus. Its not interested in car culture or faux social media or sexy street racing. It hasnt seen any of the Fast and Furious movies. It loves tough cars, not sleek cars. It knows dents add character. You dont need to drive these beasts around in the desert to make them look like theyve been scavenging the wasteland. They come that way.”

Source: N4G PC Wreckfest Review | Quarter to Three