If the recently-released Unravel 2 appealed to you during EA Play back when all the E3 2018 hubbub was going on, you now have a chance to give it a try for free. Electronic Arts has made the calming and peaceful journey free in the form of a lengthy trial for a limited time, from June 26 throughout July 30. You’ll be able to sample the first two chapeters of the game, with 10 full hours of gameplay, without spending any of that hard-earned cash. Honestly, that’s most of the game, with the ability to carry over your save progress to the full game if you decide to lock in your purchase.
You can download the Open Trial now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC by way of Origin. If you’re interested in playing alone, you can do that, or you can enlist a friend to play along with you for local co-op.
Our own Donovan Erskine reviewed the game recently, summing up his experiences thus:
“The all-new dynamic of co-op really gives a jolt of energy to this game; Without that new component I’m afraid Unravel 2 would’ve just felt like a level expansion. Those that really dug the first Unravel will love what its sequel has to offer.”
You’ll need to make sure you log out of the trial when finished playing so the timer won’t run out while you’re still evaluating the game, too. You wouldn’t want your time wasted when it’s just getting good.
Source: Shacknews Try Unravel 2 For Free Now on All Platforms For a Limited Time