Earlier this year Capcom’s Monster Hunter franchise went from being a semi-obscure cult favorite to a full-blown triple-A masterpiece with the release of Monster Hunter World on current-gen consoles. The only console left out of the hunt was the Nintendo Switch, and it looks like it’s going to stay that way too. While the Switch will be getting a port of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate later this year, fans holding their breath for a full-blown port of Monster Hunter World as Capcom has now stated that they have no plans to port the title.
According to Game Informer, Capcom revealed at a recent shareholder meeting that, simply put, they just couldn’t port Monster Hunter World over to the Switch. There was no clarification provided to those in attendance as to whether or not this was due to technical restrictions or if there was some sort of marketing contract in place that was preventing the company from making a port. It seems unlikely that Monster Hunter World wouldn’t be technically portable, even Iron Galaxy’s CEO, Adam Boyes stated earlier in the year that he thought his team to make a decent port, but it would appear Capcom won’t be taking them up on the offer.
While Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is an older title, it would be a safe bet that at some point the Switch will be getting an original title of their own. Perhaps a parallel series of games, as Capcom does have a history of making portable Monster Hunter games while simultaneously developing console titles.
For now, Nintendo Switch fans will have to settle for Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate when it launches on August 28. Players wanting to check out Monster Hunter World can grab a copy now for PS4, and Xbox One or wait for the PC port to launch later this year.
Source: Shacknews Capcom Confirms Monster Hunter World on Nintendo Switch Will Never Happen