Sony has commented on the thorny issue of PlayStation cross-play, suggesting it’s working on a solution.

At the Gamelab conference in Spain today, Shawn Layden, president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment America and chairman of SIE Worldwide Studios, and PS4 system architect Mark Cerny delivered a presentation about the legacy of PlayStation. At the end of the talk, Eurogamer reporter Robert Purchese put the cross-play issue to Layden. Here’s what he said:

“I thought it was fascinating you talking about PlayStation 3 flying too close to the sun – your Icarus moment you called it, and then PlayStation 4 coming back to be more back to basics, to be more about the players. But there seems to be an issue at the moment, that Sony isn’t listening to its players – or doesn’t seem to be – and that’s cross-play, Fortnite particularly. And I wondered if there were any plans to open it up? It seems to be Sony’s not listening.”

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Source: Eurogamer Sony offers hope on PS4 console cross-play