Shenmue III! It’s a thing, and it’s been delayed all around the block since June 2015. Originally scheduled for a December 2017 release it’s been pushed back, and wait, what’s this?! A backer survey for finalizing which version you want (PC/PS4)? Maybe we’re nearing the end of the road even though right now all we have is a “2019” window.

Yep, right now you should be getting an email if you backed at the appropriate digital copy level, and after a quick minute-long survey you’ll be able to pick your platform of choice for…whenever it comes. It might be a ways off, but at the very least a survey sorta indicates that they’re serious about actually releasing the thing.

Oh! And there’s PC requirements if you think that your rig somehow won’t run this thing. We’re not doubt getting them now before folks lock into a PC copy with the survey and find out they can’t.

Shenmue III [Kickstarter]

Backer surveys are going out for Shenmue III, maybe there's no turning back now screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Backer surveys are going out for Shenmue III, maybe there’s no turning back now