To Hell and Back: The Kane Hodder Story will be available on VOD and DVD/Blu-ray on June 28th.

Straddling a delicate line between documentary and fan-goggling, To Hell and Back, a behind-the-mask look at stunt man/movie monster Kane Hodder is serviceable, occasionally gripping, peek inside the mind of a man who overcame a ton of physical and emotional anguish as a burn victim who fell under improper care for his serious wounds.

To the doc’s credit, Hodder himself, who speaks on his own behalf for most of the film, is a draw. When the film begins to languish, and perhaps focus a bit too much on Hodder’s work in the realm of supremely low budget horror, he’s still there to captivate and engage. Hodder’s gruff growling voice and quasi-gentle giant demeanor are, at times, enough to pull the viewer through large sections about his work in non-Jason Voorhees projects. Diehard fans of horror, and those interested in the B-movie scene in general, will find these parts compelling, but to the uninitiated, who might wonder why the Hatchet franchise is being discussed like it’s a household name, things might drag.

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Source: The Life of Kane Hodder, the Man Behind Jason Voorhees, is a Tale of Survival