The esports never stops, and we’ve got stacks of great stuff coming at you this week! League of Legends, Rocket League, Counter-Strike and PUBG all put on a great showing — let’s have a look now!
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League of Legends – OPL 2018 Split 2 Week 4
Split 2 of the OPL this year is like the humour in Everybody Loves Raymond — anybody can get it. I’ve been saying it for a while, but it’s the most competitive the OPL has been in a long time — while Avant and Legacy might be languishing near the bottom of the table for now, that could change in an instant. Take the Chiefs, for example — until last week, they were in full control. They hadn’t changed up their roster, they were in form — everything was looking good.
Source: The July 3 Oceanic Esports Highlights