A moment of calm. The wind is doing the work, blowing my rickety vehicle along a flat stretch. With no need to be inside, repeating the frenetic cycle of feeding the engine, full-body-pushing the enormous button to send it roaring to life and venting steam to prevent it exploding from its own heat, I’m standing on the roof watching the world go by. It’s quiet.

When I drop back down into the guts of the car, something’s on fire.

So it goes in Far: Lone Sails. The game follows exactly one trip, and takes place almost entirely within its vehicle. It’s not the reliable car that we use in our day-to-day lives, and it’s not the obliging horse that we so often use to get around in video games. It’s the complete opposite of fast travel. There are no objectives or quests where you’re going or where you’re coming from.

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Source: Eurogamer Far: Lone Sails' solo journey is far from lonely