When I chose the above picture of the amiibo “Holy Trinity” (Marth, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer) the memories came rushing in.

The thrill of the hunt, the first day of the launch of amiibo, and finding out “damn, these things are actually desirable.” It set the tone for the entire amiibo affair for three long years, and it still isn’t letting up. As a bit of a respite Nintendo has announced that they’re reprinting the entire Smash line, including the “unicorns” (read: ultra-rare), later this year. Now we have dates.

According to Nintendo Soup, they’ll actually be spread out in two waves in December 2018 and January 2019. Get a good look at the list below and start getting your import trigger-finger ready, as some of these will be going very quickly. Before that happens we’ll keep you updated!

Super Smash Bros. [Japanese Nintendo via Nintendo Soup]

Get your import accounts ready: Nintendo confirms full Super Smash Bros. amiibo reprint dates screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Get your import accounts ready: Nintendo confirms full Super Smash Bros. amiibo reprint dates