Man of Steel #6 hit stores today, ending writer Brian Michael Bendis’ first major Superman storyline. But while the first battle between Superman and Rogol Zaar is over, Bendis’ plans for the franchise have just begin. Man of Steel #6 paves the way for Bendis to take over DC’s monthly Superman and Action Comics titles and the return of Supergirl’s solo series.

Scroll down for a recap of the big developments in Man of Steel and how Bendis is setting the stage for a new era for the Superman comics.

Rogol Zaar – Krypton’s Destroyer?

Bendis’ most significant addition to the Superman mythos so far is Rogol Zaar, a powerful new villain who claims to be responsible for Krypton’s destruction. Whether Zaar is telling the truth remains to be seen, but he’s already proven himself more than a match for both Superman and Supergirl on multiple occasions.

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Source: How Man of Steel Sets Up Superman's Comic Book Future