Remember when Hearthstone asked everyone to save the date for July 12? Well, apparently the lab has sprung a leak. Blizzard’s next Hearthstone expansions looks to have been inadvertently leaked and intrepid sites like r/Hearthstone, Hearthpwn, and Hearthstone Top Decks have picked up on it. That expansion is The Boomsday Project.

On August 7, Hearthstone players can get their hands on another 135 new cards. This expansion will center around Dr. Boom and the terrors of science. Players can find a new keyword called Magnetic, which can be played individually or attached to Mech minions to grant them additional stats.

Players can also embark on Projects, which are new spell cards with powerful effects, but ones that help both players. Omega Projects will be extremely powerful cards, but their Battlecry will only activate with 10 Mana Crystals to power them. And get ready for Legendary Spells, with legendary effects. Here are the first of the cards we’ve seen so far:

  • (5) Myra’s Unstable Element (Legendary Rogue Spell): Draw the rest of your deck.
  • (3) Electra Storm Surge (3/3)(Legendary Shaman Elemental Minion): Battlecry: Your next spell this turn casts twice.
  • (1) Biology Project (Druid Spell): Each player gains 2 Mana Crystals.
  • (4) Omega Defender (2/6)(Epic Neutral Minion): Taunt. Battlecry: If you have 10 Mana Crystals, gain +10 Attack.
  • (3) Spider Bomb (2/2)(Rare Hunter Mech Minion): Magnetic. Deathrattle: Destroy a random enemy minion.

Also, remember this quote from our GDC interview with the Hearthstone team?

Dean Ayala, Game Designer: I could see Jaraxxus coming back in a different form someday.

That different form appears to be in the form of a new Warlock Hero called Mecha-Jaraxxus. More details on Mecha-Jaraxxus are expected soon, but players can pick him up by pre-ordering the Boomsday Project Mega Bundle, which comes with 80 card packs, along with a random golden legendary, and the Mecha Jaraxxus card back. The normal pre-order bundle without Mecha-Jaraxxus and only 50 packs will also be available. Those who don’t want to pre-order can pick up three Boomsday Project card packs and a random legendary for free simply for logging in when the expansion goes live.

Look for more cards to be revealed starting on July 23, with the Boomsday Project hitting Hearthstone on August 7.

Source: Shacknews Hearthstone Labs Leak The Boomsday Project Expansion
