The latest trailer for Pokémon Let’s Go: Pikachu and Eevee has shown off more of the game’s opening sections – including our first look at trading, more footage of battling, and the debut of water gym leader Misty.

What caught my eye was the ability to give your partner Pokémon – either Pikachu or Eevee, depending on the variant of the game you get – a hairdo. Eevee has a curly haircut or odd fringe design, while Pikachu has a hipster curl.

The Pokémon Company has now confirmed the critters exclusive to each version. In Pikachu, you’ll be able to catch Oddish, Sandshrew and Growlithe. Eevee owners will be able to nab Bellsprout, Vulpix and Meowth.

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Source: Eurogamer In Pokémon Let's Go, you can change your Pikachu or Eevee's hairstyle