After the credits rolled on Octopath Traveler, I took a 15-minute break before I sat back down, grabbed my controller, and went back to my save file to play more. This, in spite of the fact I’d played 53 hours on my journey to complete the path of Therion, the thief whose story I’d chosen at the beginning. The more I played, the more I loved it.

Going in, I’d expected little more than a charming but run-of-the-mill homage to the 16-bit RPGs I grew up playing. Instead, Octopath Traveler treated me to a stunning tilt-shifted art style and a deep battle system that made every encounter an exercise in thoughtful strategizing.

At first blush, Octopath Traveler is a sprite-based game that looks like it’d be at home in a Super NES Final Fantasy. But there’s more to it than that: Character are 2D, but they move and explore in a 3D world painted with 16-bit textures, with the exception of realistic sand, snow, and water. That lends it a delightful old-school charm while giving it a modern flavor.

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Source: Octopath Traveler Review