In the history of video game side activities, fishing may be one of the most beloved. From Ocarina of Time to Far Cry 5, part-time angling has been a staple of the video game world for longer than many of our readers have been alive. On this episode of the Shacknews Top 10, Greg Burke the video jerk takes us down memory lane to get a glance of the best fishing minigames of all time.

Were your fishing favorites well-represented in this list? Did we miss some standout minigames when we cast our nets? Should Greg be forced to sleep with the fishes? Let us know in the Chatty comments.

If you have a suggestion for a future episode of Shack’s Top 10, please let us know in the comments section or tweet @shacknews@GregBurke85 with #Top10.

Source: Shacknews Top 10 Fishing Minigames
