Visceral Games’ hellish hack-and-slasher Dante’s Inferno, and Ubisoft’s real-time WW2 strategy game RUSE, now feature backward-compatibility support on Xbox One.

Dante’s Inferno launched in 2010, a year or so after Visceral Games’ excellent third-person sci-fi horror Dead Space, and its announcement came as something of a surprise; it was quite the departure for publisher EA, whose back catalogue wasn’t exactly bursting with action games inspired by 14th century Italian poetry at the time.

It did, however, provide EA with a suitably moody netherworld explorer to compete with Kratos, the gloomy face of Sony’s similarly-styled, and hugely popular, God of War franchise. Unfortunately, Dante’s Inferno – which featured solid enough hack-and-slash action, and a ghoulishly engaging take on the nine Circles of Hell – suffered in comparison to Sony Santa Monica’s astonishing God of War 3, which released earlier that same year.

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Source: Eurogamer Dante's Inferno and RUSE are now backward-compatible on Xbox One